Signature of a donation receipt for a flag from the Chaillac canton

On Thursday, March 24th, 2022, Mathieu Moreaux, mayor of Chaillac and Gérard Mayaud, former mayor of Chaillac, were at “les Amis de La Martinerie” to officialize the donation of the 1870-1871 Franco-Prussian war veterans’ flag from the Chaillac canton.

This flag, discovered 50 years ago in the townhouse’s attic by Gérard Mayaud was given unofficially to “Les Amis de La Martinerie” in 2016. As of March 24th 2022, all the paperwork have been signed and the donation is now official.

This flag is now the oldest items displayed in our flag room.

It is worth noting that the vault plaque shown on the flag picture was Albert Dureau’s great grand father’s, Albert Dureau who was the former president of the Indre department soccer association.

Smaller version of this plaque can still be found in several cemetery throughout the department.

“Les Amis de La Martinerie” would like to thank the two donators for the trust they put in our association and for their efforts to maintain our department’s military legacy.


Flag presentation sheet

NR newspaper article

Click on images to enlarge
Photo Credit: Jean-Jacques Bérenguier et AMRobert
The flag in our room
The flag in our room

The back of the flag
The back of the flag

Signature of the official documents by Mr Mathieu Moreaux, Mayor of Chaillac
and J.Jacques Bérenguier, president of our association,
in presence of Gérard Mayaud

Gérard Mayaud, former mayor of Chaillac, also signed the donation receipt
Gérard Mayaud, former mayor of Chaillac, also signed the donation receipt