A new covenant for a flag

On Monday, Mai 10th, 2021, the President and Roland de Vassoigne welcomed Mr Marcel Chatain in the Saint-Août town hall, to sign, in presence of Patrick Lambilliotte mayor of Saint-Août and member of “Les Amis de La Martinerie”, the covenant related to the donation of the flag of the deported workers from the city of Neuvy-Pailloux.

This flag was held by Mr Ségelle and then, after he passed away, by Mr Marcel Chatain. Both of them living in Saint Août, this is why we met in the Saint Août town hall.


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Photo credits: Roland de Vassoigne, Marie-Claude et Jean-Jacques Bérenguier
A new covenant for a flag

A new covenant for a flag

A new covenant for a flag

A new covenant for a flag